Thursday, March 27, 2008

Juz realise that..after i started this Opts..

it's more tiring and straining of energy compared to normal work..

Health not looking gd..hitting red light at times..

i think i need more rest..

how i wish the travelling time can be lesser..

den i can have more rest..rather than travelling so long..

it's been a while i lasted blog..i dun wish to keep this dead..

i wan it alive...but sometimes i juz too tired to blog..

finally i'm fit enough to blog..hahax..

tonight another night shift for me..

hope i'll be able to endure thru the night!!

One more thing!!


Finally it's ur big day le..

but workload keeps piling up for u ba..

take care of ur health oh!! hope u will have an enjoyable day..

lastly hope ur wishes will come true!! *^-^*

*With good health, we can do many take good care of yourself!!

12:53 PM I've laid my path on music

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lately it's been raining...

feeling so lazy to go anywhere...

feeling so troublesome too..

feeling so restless..

juz realise that somethings aren't going my way..

but still have to face it positively..

maybe in the future it will changes..

future is so far..

hard to see..

hard to predict..

it all lies in one hand..

time passes day by day..

it's not easy to make everyday worthwhile..

but we still do our best..

u nv know when u will waste this chance to do the things u would like to do..

*Future is lies in our hands..

6:34 PM I've laid my path on music

Friday, March 07, 2008

Usually when we talk to anyone..

or start any writing..

will u think of the word "If"??

"If" is such a powerful word..

example : If i will a millionaire..If i have did this..

so many "If"..

What if there is no "If"..

will our life be different??

"If" this word makes one run their imagination wild..

make us think abt almost anything we like it to happen..

but all this are all assumption..

how can we live on without "If"..

many ppl may live in pain and hopeless..

coz this can be a source of hope for ppl..

hope that things will happen that way..

and it will affect them ALOT!!

*The power of words can be so strong than any actions we do..

12:32 AM I've laid my path on music

Due to the MS on the run..

many ppl was been affected..

i'm one of them too..

because of him..

we have to work extra hard..

we have to lookout for him..

we have to comb the forest..

we have to paste notices..

and many many more..

Not Police onli..even Army was activated..

everywhere is talking abt the same topic..

how we wish he will be caught soon..

and all this troubles will end soon..

many ppl will start to bring their smile back on their face..

many ppl will get to see their love ones again..

many ppl finally can get a rest..

Let's pray hard!!

i hope nothing will happen at all..


*Escape is not an option to solve anything..FACE IT!!

12:26 AM I've laid my path on music

It's been a while since i last updated..

i was quite busy wif my work..

most of the time i spend relaxing..

hence nv update..

so fast Feb has gone..

the end of the month of romance..

the end of my birthday too..

i really appreciated those who celebrated my birthday wif me..

Especially my buddy!!

Thanks for ur present..

We known each other for 9 yrs ++ le..

never know that friendship can last this long..

i still rmb how we know each other..

we also like the same cartoon character "Snoopy"..

many more..

this is how friendship started off..

hope we can still contact each other in the future too..

*Friends are easy to find..but friendships hard to earn..

12:08 AM I've laid my path on music

The Music Lover

Lei Siang

*My guitar..
*Listen to song that i like..
*Sharing of frenz probs..

*See ppl sad..
*Ppl close to be getting hurt..

Wish List
*My mei mei can always be happy..
*My family is peace and fine..
*Getting a girlfrenz..
*A new Desktop..(done)
*A Digicam..

Music Critics {Tagboard}

Other Genres {Linx}
::SieW nOi::|
::Zhu Jun::|
::Zhu Jun chinese blog::|
::See Leng::|
::Jin Hua::|
::Bao Ling::|
::My Bro::|
::Chao Xiang::|

The Grand Central {Music}

Music Playing

Music Playlist at

thE unforgotteN pasT'
January 2005 February 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 June 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 April 2010

Record Producers {Credits}
Pictures:x o x
Font (The lyrics and Melody):x